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In memory of Patrick T., My Dad, the original Happy Tomato


Miscellaneous Reviews


WHAT: Chevron with Techron

This review is here because this is an AMAZING product!

My car has been in and out of the "shop". I've spent... Ahem... A lot... trying to get the Check Engine light to not be on. It didn't help that I ran out of gas about a month ago... (ok... it was a busy weekend) Which, now that I think about it, preceded the first sign of the Check Engine light. I took it in to the auto repair guy and he replaced the sensor, reset the light and changed the spark plugs. Well... out of the shop only 2 days and BAM! the light goes on again!

I tried STP, since I figured it had something to do with running out of gas... No change.

I tried Chevron with Techron. Running better, but not quite there. Well... Filled up again today and took a long run to visit Grandma. On the way back, I was sort of thinking... "Hey, the engine sounds pretty good!" Then I looked down. NO CHECK ENGINE LIGHT! Hey, it's a good thing I hadn't taken it back into the shop, as I'd thought I might!

I'd say... Chevron with Techron... A+++!




What on earth is freecycle? It's a forum based upon Yahoo! groups that permits members to post items that would normally go into the landfill, so as to find someone who wants it. I've seen cameras, TVs, teabags, pots, binders, all on the site! I gave away a plant stand recently. I got at least 15 emails from folks who wanted it! Of course, as soon as I told my husband that I'd posted it on Freecycle, he said he'd planned on keeping it!